Is public liability insurance for cleaners important? - Contractors Insurance Australia

April 30, 2019

In a nutshell: Absolutely important. To elaborate, public liability insurance for cleaners’ means that you as a cleaner are protected in the event that a client is injured or their personal effects damaged while you are at their home/office cleaning. Given you’re entering someone else’s home or office, it’s important to be aware of the risks involved and what exactly could go wrong to ensure you have the right cover. It’s therefore so important that you cover yourself to the right amount to make sure that in the event of an accident, you don’t have to close down the business due to forking out compensation payments. Read below for some common risks in the cleaning industry and why it’s important to get public liability insurance for cleaners.

Injury to a client

Although a lot of the time your clients may be out and about while you’re cleaning their home or office, they could also be home or come home soon after, and this is where a number of personal injuries could strike, leaving you out of pocket for their medical bills or missed days off work if you’re not covered. It could be something as simple as a vacuum cord that a client trips over whilst you’re vacuuming, or a wet floor they slip on after you’ve mopped. Whatever the reason, the many personal risks associated with cleaning can all be covered with the right public liability insurance for cleaners.

Damage to a client’s personal property

From a $900 vase knocked off the table, to the wrong chemicals used on those delicate marble bench tops, there are so many ways a client’s personal effects or property can be damaged during a home or office clean which you would have to foot the bill for. To add to the list, the thought of broken windows, scratched surfaces, other broken or lost items (sucked up the vacuum?), damage due to your cleaning products, injury or damage to pets and the list goes on.

Sounds a little scary! However with the right public liability insurance for cleaners, you can rest easy in the knowledge that you’ve covered yourself in the event of an accident. You won’t have to fork out to replace or fix broken or damaged property, meaning you can get on with your business and not lose precious time and money. With many valuable items and lots of ways to accidentally damage property in the cleaning business, getting public liability insurance for cleaners is vital.

Why public liability insurance is important

By now, it is probably pretty clear as to why public liability insurance for cleaners is so important. However allow us to recap. When a client injures themselves as a result of you cleaning their property, or their property is damaged, in many cases you will be the one at fault. No matter how careful you are, accidents can and do happen, so covering yourself with public liability insurance for cleaners or professional indemnity insurance (aka PI insurance) for cleaners is the first step toward protecting yourself and your business.
If you’re a cleaner who needs to organise insurance, you can get a quote online or call our office on 1300 GETCOVER (1300 492 862) to speak to our Contractor Cover real-life team.

General Advice Warning – retail clients *

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*Retail clients are individuals or those purchasing an insurance product for use in connection with a small business where the product is a designated retail product (eg motor vehicle, home buildings, home contents, personal and domestic property, sickness and accidental and travel insurance). All other clients are wholesale clients.

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