4 Reasons Plumbers Need Public Liability Insurance - Contractors Insurance Australia

September 8, 2015

Regardless of whether you’re the most professional and cautious plumber in the country, plumbing is rife with little accidents that can cause some pretty major hassles – for you and your clients. So if you’re a plumber in Australia, public liability is an absolute must and here are four reasons why.

1. Protection against property damage

Being a plumber, the nature of your job is messy. It can be sticky or wet, it’s inside cupboards, underneath things and even in between walls. So when something goes wrong on a plumbing job; the whole property is in jeopardy of sustaining substantial damage. And if that happens as a result of your work, your business will be liable for the cost of the damages. And believe us, replacing waterlogged floorboards comes at a hefty price! Not to mention damage to cabinetry and paintwork. That’s where public liability insurance comes in. This ensures you’re covered in the event your work practices cause damage to someone’s property.

2. Protection against third party injuries

An even more serious and often less considered risk of plumbing work is injuries to clients or the public as a result of your work. Now obviously, this is never the intention, but say that during your work you burst a pipe. Five minutes later as you’re frantically trying to stop the leaking and mop up the mess, your client comes home carrying heavy shopping bags, opens the door and slips on the river running through their house and breaks their left arm and right leg in the fall. Unfortunately, falls like this are more common than they sound and should the flood be your mistake – you’ll not only be liable for the client’s extensive medical bills and treatment, you could also be liable for their loss of wages as a result of not being able to work due to the injury. Public liability insurance provides the cover your business needs in the event your business operations result in injury or even death of a third party.

3. Protection for your reputation

Having public liability insurance isn’t just about protecting your clients and their property, it’s also an investment in your reputation. Should an accident like one of the above occur, it’s important that you’re able to respond quickly to make reparations for the damages. With public liability insurance in your tool bag, you can take steps to rectify the situation without leaving your clients in a mess, which makes you a more trusted and reliable contractor.

4. Protection for your business

As a business owner, your goal is to make money, not lose it. Especially for small businesses, a costly accident could end up costing your business. With public liability insurance, you’re ensuring the longevity of a successful and reliable plumbing business.
So to arrange public liability insurance for your plumbing business, contact Contractor Cover on 1300 438 268 or get a quick public liability insurance quote online today.

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